Helen Mirren and Harrison Ford go way back..
They played a married couple in The Mosquito Coast, a 1986 Peter Weir-directed drama, and developed deep shared regard. However it would take 37 years for the beloved actors to reunite on screen. Now, costarring as a ranching couple in Yellowstone spinoff 1923, the pair are having a ball together.
” Helen is unbelievable,” Ford, 80, informs PEOPLE in this week’s cover story. “What a treat it is to work with her once again.”.
The feeling is shared..
Mirren, 77, show PEOPLE how Ford, who likewise stars in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, out June 30, has actually changed– and stayed the same– in the last 4 decades:.
Helen Mirren Says ‘Nobody Had Heard of Me’ When She First Worked with Harrison Ford.
” I believe the aspect that makes him the legend that he is and will be is that sense of being the kind of guy you would call when your car got stuck in a ditch and also entirely comprehend why you were so upset about your feline passing away and shed some tears with you. He is a real god-given film star, but likewise a chap, a geezer, a guy, a bloke and a mensch. And together with millions of others, I love him.”.